Saturday, October 27, 2012

Last Farmer's Market of the Season!

Haven't posted in awhile as I switched to Google Chrome and could not figure out how to get in to edit my went back to internet explorer and her I am!!!!

It was a great day at the Farmer's Market...a bit chilly, but fun.

I bought some "I Love This Cotton" yarn at Hobby Lobby last week on my trip to Hickory. and made these two hats. The one with the star is tapestry crochet and the swirly one is just plain old swirly crochet....

I sold some of my acrylic hats, but no one even glanced at these...I thought they looked pretty cool. Not sure if I'll make more or not.

Here's some more pics of my booth and the other crafters.

 Sold 3 pairs of fingerless gloves today....I was thinking of not making anymore as I hadn't sold any all sold 3 at once....Guess I'll make a few more pairs for the Holiday Market...Gotta Run, I'll try to post more in a few days!

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