Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Summer Dreams Plarn Basket!

Today, I've had to stay home from work due to the snow. I'll probalby go in in Saturday and make up time if I can get out.
This is the approaching storm...all the trees are covered in white now.

I am dreaming of summer: so I designed a Plarn Basket today!

I put some fruit in it to show how it looks filled. Could be used outdoors during summer. A Nice container for a picnic, etc.

Here's my attempt at a pattern. Never wrote one for someone else to follow before, so let me know if you have suggestions.

 Now this is important: This is my pattern, so do not reprint this pattern anywhere or sell it or try to sell it anywhere! You may feel free to make items from this pattern to sell in small quantities if you are a crafter selling at fairs or shops. I know how hard it is for some folks to come up with their own designs. If you are making to sell; please charge a price that takes into account your work. As it takes 2.5 hours to prepare the plarn and 2 hours to crochet the basket, I would like it if anyone trying to sell this not go below $25. As that is what I am going to ask at my fairs.

Materials: about 55 white standard size grocery bags. About 10 grey standard size grocery bags. The bags are sliced into 1.5 inch wide rings and looped together. you'll have to google how to do that on your own for now if you don't know how.

It took me 2.5 hours to prepare the 65 bags. Make two separate balls. One white bags and one grey.
Size N (10mm) crochet hook.

Chain 3 and join in a ring: try to make it tight as I have found the plarn centers stretch quite a bit.
Work in the round with out joining, you may want to use a bit of contrasting yarn or plarn to mark the beginning of the rows.

R1: 8 sc in ring
R2:  2 sc in each stitch (16 sts
R3: 1 sc in next st, 2sc in next st - repeat all the way around (24 sts)
R4: 1 sc in each of next 2 st's, 2 sc in next st repeat all the way around(32 sts)
R5: 1 sc in each of next 3 st's, 2 sc in next st repeat all the way around(40 sts)
R6: sc in next st, chain 2, repeat all the way around
R7: Chain 2, sc in the chain 2 space of the prevous row, chain 2, sc in the sc of the previous row- repeat all the way around (80 sc's)
R8: Chain 2, sc in the chain 2 space of the previous row - repeat all the way around
R9: You will be decreasing in this row: (ch2, sc in the ch2 space) 8 times, sc two together across two of the chain 3 spaces. repeat all the way around (74 sc's)
R10: Chain 2, sc in chain 2 space - repeat all the way around
R11: another decrease row: Chain 2, sc 2 together (across two of the chain 2 spaces) - repeat all the way around
R12: repeat row 11
R13: switch to grey plarn: 2 sc in each chain space and sc in each sc
R14: decrease row: sc in each of next 2 sc, sc next two together - repeat all the way around
R15: sc all the way around
R16: back loop slip stitch all the way around
R17: switch to white: back loop slip stitch all the way around and finish off.

Took me 2 hours to do the crocheting. So all in all it took 4.5 hours to complete!!!

Whew! OK....not sure how clear that is. I have know idea how to write a pattern. Please leave me your comments, corrections and suggestions for clarity. And let me know if you like the pattern!

p.s. I ran out of gray plarn, but I bet it would look great with several more rows of slst or sc alternating white and gray ...
copyright: 2011 Angela McCormick

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