Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My latest crocheted hats!

I finished this hat last week using a crocheted spiral technique, where you start 3 different colors in the beginning loop. Above are pics of a side view and the top view.

Lets see now, I'm trying to get the pics to post below the narrative; but it's not cooperating. Next pic, which hopefully will appear below is the hat I'm working on today. I'm doing it in tapestry crochet:

I found quite accidently that men like beannie caps like the above made out of plain old Redheart supersaver yarn. I had been trying to sell plarn tote bags and crocheted and woven tote bags and rugs and just happened to make a few hats. Just one like the above. And was so surprised when I had a bunch of men at my booth at the Farmer's Marked all trying them on. That was 2 years ago. So now I make a bunch of these in black/green shades. Even teenage boys like them. Really surprised me. I use random stitches, mostly sc and hdc and just change colors willy nilly. No patterns involved. Unless I get the urge to write one.

Oddly enough, I sent some to my sister in Colorado to sell at her fairs, and she couldn't sell any! Maybe it's a North Carolina thing?

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