Monday, December 27, 2010

Let's Get Started

O.K. I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I think it's mostly just to organize my thoughts and keep me motivated and on track. I sign up for too many lists and groups and read so much stuff that I never actually get anything done. I think I signed up for about 10 Yahoo crochet groups - do I read any of them? NO! No time. I really should unsubscribe. But, from what little I have read, it seems to sure hurt people's feelings when one unsubscribes. The same with Ravelry Forums, I've joined so many groups I don't have time to give any one of them any attention at all. It's like having several thousand acquaintances and no true friends. Perhaps that's the nature of social networking on the internet after all.

I like my computer and the Internet. But I find it lends one to a kind of computer generated ADHD. I start researching one idea and see a million others that look interesting and before you know it; I've wasted an entire day and forgot what I was originally researching. I've gotta get some focus in my life.

So Here is my plan!

1. Pick One Yahoo crochet group to belong to and read the posts at least once per week and join in now and then.
2. Pick One crochet forum and One weaving forum on Ravelry and regularly read and contribute.
3. Write a list of what I want to look up before searching on the internet so I don't lose track of where I am going. Imagine heading off on the highway and stopping at every interesting looking side road - I'd never get to where I was going!
4. Give myself time to play with my yarn - at least an hour a day; whether it's crochet or weaving or and have fun.
5. Do some least 15 minutes per day... keep up with and work on the weekly cleaning zone every day!
6. Do some reading everyday...out of a real book...not counting the internet.
7. Write some letters every month. The relatives like real letters on paper sent by snailmail

O.k. that's a good start. Hope you like my profile pic. It's my craft booth at the local Farmer's market with some of the hats that I've designed. I do them all free hand, no pattern. I've been trying to write myself some patterns so I can recreate some for folks who want another of a specific design, but it's slo going.

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